5 frequently asked questions about male breast reduction

Men who have enlarged breasts from a condition called gynecomastia may feel self-conscious and avoid several activities, even intimacy. Male breast reduction surgery is an excellent way for men to achieve masculine contours and get their confidence back. Here are five common questions about this surgical procedure.

What is gynecomastia surgery?

Also known as male breast reduction, gynecomastia surgery corrects overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men. The goal is to reduce breast size and flatten and enhance masculine contours. The surgery consists of liposuction, excision of glandular tissue or a combination of both.

What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia often occurs during times of fluctuating hormones, such as the teenage years or during middle age. In addition to hormone fluctuations, other causes include weight gain, aging, certain antibiotics and anxiety drugs, steroid use, marijuana use and heavy drinking.

Am I a good candidate for surgery?

It’s a good idea to visit with your family doctor before meeting with one of our plastic surgeons to rule out any conditions that may be causing your enlarged breast tissue and could be corrected with lifestyle changes. If your primary physician rules out underlying medical causes for your gynecomastia, surgery may be best for you.

What is recovery like?

You will be ready to go home not long after surgery, but will need to have someone drive you home due to having anesthesia. You will have a gauze dressing and surgical compression garment covering your breasts to hold the new contours in position. A small drain tube may be inserted into each breast to help drain off excess fluid.

You will feel the most tired and sore during the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Most patients only require over-the-counter pain medications to control any discomfort. You can take a bath or shower the day after surgery, but you can’t let your bandages get wet. If you do have drains, you can take a bath or shower after they are removed in 2-3 days.

When can I go back to work and daily activities?

You are most likely able to return to work 2-3 days after your procedure. You will want to avoid strenuous activities, however, until about 3 weeks after surgery.

If you are self-conscious about your breasts and are interested in learning more about male breast reduction surgery, call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule a consultation


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