Facial Cosmetic Procedures in Washington D.C.

At West End Plastic Surgery, our expert team of physicians offer the latest face surgery techniques to patients in Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas. With face surgery, you can restore your facial beauty and get a youthful appearance with natural results. Call 202-785-4187 today to schedule your face procedures consultation!

Are all Facelifts the same?

Clearly no. “Facelift” is a simple word with a not so simple definition. Over the course of nearly a century many techniques have been described to rejuvenate the face. Early facelift surgery targeted only the skin and, while quick and easy to perform, resulted in unnatural results and poor scarring. Later, surgeons started addressing the deeper muscle layer of the face and neck. This layer is called the superficial muscular aponeurotic system or “SMAS”. By pulling on this more robust tissue one can achieve a better lift than using skin alone, however, the effects are variable and typically short-lived. This is the technique used by over 90% of plastic surgeons in the United States. More recently, newer techniques were described to go under the SMAS into the “deep plane”, where it is possible to release specific facial tethering points to allow maximal rejuvenation. This is the preferred approach in our practice and requires extensive training and experience to perform.

Schedule Your Facial Procedures Consultation At West End Plastic Surgery!

Dial 202-785-4187 today or fill out the form in our contact page to book a personalized appointment with our plastic surgery team. West End Plastic Surgery offers its facial procedures services to patients in Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas.


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Tuesday: 8am-7pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-7pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
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