Spring Makeover: Non-Surgical Treatments You Can Get in One Office Visit

Nice,Lady,Overjoyed,By,Warm,Spring,Breeze,Going,Romantic,Date Could you use a refresh as spring gets underway? A spring makeover doesn’t only mean throwing out your clothes and shopping afresh. You should also consider non-surgical treatments for a newer, younger-looking, more rejuvenated you.

Laser Hair Reduction

Swimsuit season is soon upon us, and as the weather warms up, we’ll begin wearing less coverage that can make us all too aware of unsightly hairs we’d like to avoid. If you’re harboring unwanted hair that you’ve hidden all winter, laser hair reduction is an excellent non-surgical treatment to explore.


Winter is all about indulging in comfort food to make it through the long, dark, cold days and nights. However, if you’d like to drop a few pounds in time to wear your spring florals, you might consider CoolSculpting.

This procedure can rid your body of unwanted, stubborn fat even after weight loss. CoolSculpting has received FDA approval for treating areas like the thighs, back, beneath the buttocks, abdomen, and upper arms.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is an excellent service to start your spring. The peels can renew the skin on the hands, neck, and face. During a chemical peel, the solution applied to your skin exfoliates and encourages it to peel. The skin beneath is softer, fresher, less wrinkled, suppler, and smoother.

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Injectables such as BOTOX® Cosmetic can present a more youthful you to the world. Reduce wrinkles across the upper body, including the jawline, neck, lips, eyelids, foreheads, and eyebrows.

Besides wrinkle reduction, Botox is also recommended for lessening a gummy grin, treating platysmal bands, reducing teeth grinding, and helping with hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.

Plan Your New Spring Look at West End Plastic Surgery

West End Plastic Surgery offers the above non-surgical treatments and many more to kickstart your spring makeover. Discuss your options with an aesthetician by calling 202-785-4187 or using the online contact form.


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