Skin Reduction in Washington D.C.

At West End Plastic Surgery, we understand the incredible journey of massive weight loss—whether achieved through lifestyle changes or bariatric surgery. However, after reaching your weight-loss goals, you may face a new challenge: excess, sagging skin. Our skin reduction procedures are designed to help you achieve a more sculpted and contoured body, allowing you to fully enjoy the results of your hard work.

If your self-esteem is affected by excessive skin following pregnancy or bariatric surgery, request a consultation at West End Plastic Surgery, which serves Alexandria, Reston, and other areas surrounding D.C. Or call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of Skin Reduction Surgery

  • Improved Comfort and Mobility
    Excess skin can cause irritation, chafing, and even infections, especially in areas where skin folds overlap. Removing this excess skin not only enhances your comfort but also makes physical activities like exercising and walking easier and more enjoyable.
  • Enhanced Appearance
    Loose skin can hide the dramatic results of your weight loss. Skin reduction surgery tightens and reshapes your body, revealing the toned contours you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Patients often report feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance.
  • Better-Fitting Clothes
    Sagging skin can make it difficult to find clothing that fits well. By removing excess skin, you’ll enjoy a wider range of clothing options that fit your body beautifully and comfortably.
  • Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem
    Completing your weight-loss journey with skin reduction surgery can provide a significant boost to your self-esteem. Feeling comfortable and confident in your body empowers you to embrace life to the fullest.
  • Improved Hygiene
    Skin folds can trap moisture, leading to rashes, infections, and unpleasant odors. Skin reduction surgery eliminates these issues, improving overall hygiene and comfort.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Skin Reduction Procedure?

If you are in good health and have realistic expectations regarding the results of your skin reduction surgery, you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. While a skin reduction procedure will reduce the amount of sagging skin and excess tissue, no surgical procedure can re-create the tight and firm skin of your youth.

You may be a candidate for skin reduction surgery if:

  • You have maintained a stable weight for at least 6 months.
  • You are in good overall health and do not smoke.
  • You experience significant sagging skin that affects your comfort, hygiene, or appearance.

Our experienced team will assess your individual needs and goals to create a personalized treatment plan.

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This patient lost over 100 pounds after having Gastric Sleeve Surgery. After weight loss, she had a Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Liposuction, and Renuvion Skin Tightening. (Left Photo: before weight loss, Middle Photo: after weight loss, Right Photo: 2 months after procedures)

Meeting With Our Surgeons

Prior to scheduling your skin reduction procedure, you will meet at length with our Surgeon and the staff at West End Plastic Surgery. You will have your areas of concern evaluated, and you will discuss how you want your body to look after the procedure.

The surgeon and staff will:

  • Review the various skin reduction options with you
  • Clearly discuss the potential risks of the procedure
  • Outline in detail how the procedure is performed and what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure
  • Provide detailed cost and payment information
  • Answer all of your questions

You will be asked to provide:

  • Details about your medical history
  • A list of all medications you currently take, including over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, vitamins, and herbal supplements
  • Information regarding your tobacco and alcohol use

The video below shows a typical post-weight loss consultation with Dr. Paul Ruff. The patient came in for a consultation regarding body contouring to remove excess skin and fat after losing over 200 pounds.

How Skin Reduction Is Performed

If your primary concern is that of loose skin, the muscles and tissues beneath your skin are in good condition, and the area to be treated is not substantial, your procedure may be performed under local anesthesia in Dr. Ruff’s accredited on-site surgery suite. Local anesthesia plus the addition of IV sedation is also an option, but for those with a great deal of skin to be removed, general anesthesia will be used. Decisions about anesthesia will be confirmed with you at your consultation prior to scheduling your procedure. Dr. Ruff and the staff at West End Plastic Surgery are dedicated to ensuring your complete comfort during and after your skin reduction procedure, which may range from an hour to several hours, again depending upon the degree of skin reduction required.

Dr. Ruff will make incisions in the skin and, after lifting the excess skin away from the underlying tissues, will excise the surplus skin. The skin edges will then be joined together with tiny stitches using absorbable suture material. Your individual anatomy determines the best place for incisions, but Dr. Ruff makes every effort to place incisions in a manner that minimizes visible scars. A supportive dressing will be placed over the treated areas to provide support during healing.

The video below shows Dr. Ruff performing body contouring procedures to remove redundant skin and fat after a massive weight loss of over 200 pounds. Dr. Ruff performed a Circumferential Torsoplasty with Liposuction and Renuvion Skin Tightening of the chest, axilla, flanks, abdomen, and thighs.

What To Expect After Your Surgery

Shower or Bath Day After Surgery, depending upon the magnitude of skin removed
Back to Work Few Days After Surgery
Driving Usually Within a Week After Surgery
Strenuous Activity 3 to 4 Weeks After Surgery
Fading of Scars Several Months to 1 Year

Immediately After Your Surgery

In most cases, you will be ready to go home shortly after the procedure. Because you may be a bit sleepy after the anesthesia and will experience a good deal of soreness in the area of your incisions, it is important for someone to drive you home after your surgery. You may also want to have someone stay with you for the first day or 2 after your procedure, to eliminate the need to lift, stretch, or put any undue pressure on the sutures.


The First 24 to 48 Hours After Your Surgery

During the first 24 to 48 hours after your procedure, you will feel tired from the anesthesia, but because the focus of surgery was on skin rather than muscle, bone, or other tissues, you will likely feel less discomfort than with other cosmetic procedures. Tylenol is generally adequate for discomfort, although Dr. Ruff can prescribe pain medication for you if you need it. Your comfort level will improve rapidly after the first 2 days.

Dr. Ruff will instruct you on showering after your procedure, as the timing for your first post-op shower will depend upon the location and extent of the skin reduction.

In general, your dressings will be removed after a few days at your first post-op visit to our Washington, D.C. plastic surgery office. Subsequent visits are scheduled every 1 to 2 weeks thereafter to confirm continued healing of the skin.

The First 2 Weeks After Surgery

  • You will notice a marked improvement in your comfort level during the first few days after your surgery.
  • Any bruising you experience will usually disappear in about 2 weeks.
  • Some patients experience a burning or itching sensation in their skin, which generally disappears within 7 to 14 days after surgery.
  • Avoid heavy lifting and straining for at least 2 weeks.

The video below shows what to expect at your 1 week, 1 month, and 3-month Torsoplasty post-operative appointments. Dr. Ruff performed body contouring to remove redundant skin and fat after a massive weight loss of over 200 lbs. More specifically, he performed a Circumferential Torsoplasty with Liposuction and Renuvion Skin Tightening of the chest, axilla, flanks, abdomen, and thighs.

Resuming Your Normal Routine

Everyone heals at different rates, and you are the best judge of when you are ready for certain activities, but the following are general guidelines:

  • You can most likely return to work or school within 3 to 5 days after your procedure, unless your work is strenuous.
  • You can resume driving within a week. However, if your skin reduction procedure involved the thighs or buttocks, you may find driving uncomfortable for the first several weeks. Dr. Ruff will advise you as to when driving will be comfortable and permitted.
  • Strenuous exercise can begin about 3 weeks after surgery. Our patients are encouraged to plan an exercise program and discuss it with the staff prior to resuming exercise.
  • The scars should be protected from sunlight for at least a year after surgery.

Things to Be Aware of After Your Skin Reduction Procedure

Your skin may appear shiny due to swelling. Within a few weeks, the swelling will disappear and your skin will return to a normal appearance.

What Are Possible Side Effects or Risks?

Like all surgical procedures, there are risks associated with skin reduction. During your pre-surgery consultation with Dr. Ruff, your individual risks will be assessed and discussed and it will be determined whether you are a good candidate for skin reduction. As with any surgery, you can reduce the risks associated with skin reduction surgery by closely following the instructions provided to you by the staff at West End Plastic Surgery. Dr. Ruff and his staff at West End Plastic Surgery will be with you every step of the way to ensure a safe and pleasing outcome.

How Long Will the Results of Your Skin Reduction Procedure Last?

Results of your skin reduction are permanent. However, keep in mind that as your body ages, your skin will sag somewhat and wrinkle over time. Avoiding sun exposure will help you maintain good skin health.

Will my insurance coverage pay for my skin reduction surgery?

Except in cases of reconstruction, skin reduction is considered a cosmetic treatment and, therefore, is not covered by your insurance. You are responsible for the full payment for your procedure. Cost and payment information will be discussed in detail with you during your initial consultation.

Are there alternatives to skin reduction surgery?

Currently, no other intervention exists that provides the results possible with surgical removal of the excess skin.

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We’re as thrilled with our patients’ results as they are. Check out our before-and-after photo gallery and see for yourself the kind of work our talented surgeons do.


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