Breast Augmentation Revision in Washington D.C.

What is Breast Augmentation Revision?

The majority of women who have breast augmentation attain beautiful, natural-looking results; however, occasionally results are disappointing or complications arise. Our board-certified plastic surgeons specialize in breast augmentation in Washington, D.C. They have the training and experience needed to help women attain the breast size and shape they want though breast augmentation revision surgery. They can also can exchange or remove implants as a woman’s aesthetic vision and body change over time.

Reasons for Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery

Women visit West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C. for breast augmentation revision surgery for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Exchanging breast implants for a different size, style, or fill material (called elective implant exchange)
  • Replacing ruptured or leaking implants
Breast Implant Washington DC
  • Improving disappointing results from previous breast augmentation by other surgeons
  • Balancing uneven breast size, height, and other asymmetries
  • Correcting a complication such as capsular contracture (hardening of the scar tissue around the implant), bottoming out (implant drops too low), or symmastia (implants placed too close together)
  • Removing implants without replacing them (called explantation)
Breast Augmentation Revision Before & After Photo Washington DC

We’re as thrilled with our patients’ results as they are. Check out our before-and-after photo gallery and see for yourself the kind of work our talented surgeons do.

Candidates for Breast Implant Revision Surgery

If you are in good general health and have realistic expectations regarding the results of your revision surgery, you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. Your surgeon and our team will work with you to ensure that you know what to expect from your surgery, both physically and psychologically.


What Should I Expect From My Breast Revision Consultation?

During your initial evaluation and consultation we make sure you are a good candidate for breast augmentation revision or implant removal surgery and ensures you understand and are comfortable with the procedure. Your surgeon wants you to have a clear picture of how your breasts will look after the surgery.

During your consultation we will:

  • Review the various breast augmentation options with you
  • Discuss other procedures such as implant replacement or a breast lift that you may want to consider to enhance your breasts
  • Clearly discuss the potential risks of the procedure
  • Outline in detail how the surgery is performed and what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure
  • Provide detailed cost, insurance (if applicable), and payment information
  • Answer all your questions

You will be asked to provide:

  • Details about your medical history
  • A list of all medication you currently take, including over the counter medications such as aspirin, vitamins, and herbal supplements
  • Information regarding your tobacco and alcohol use

How Much Does a Breast Augmentation Revision Cost in Washington, DC?

The cost of a Breast Augmentation Revision starts at around $8,500. The price will vary depending on the extent of treatment necessary to deliver your desired results. During your consultation, our surgeons will assess your cosmetic goals and develop a treatment plan tailored to meet them. The starting price is provided for your convenience, and it is important to note that it does not encompass facility or anesthesia fees. The comprehensive cost, inclusive of all potential fees, will be confirmed during your visit.

We also offer financing options, including CareCredit® and Alphaeon®, to help you with the cost of your cosmetic surgery.

Breast Augmentation Revision Procedure

Your breast augmentation revision or breast implant removal procedure will be performed in our state-of-the-art surgical suite or at one of the area hospitals our surgeons operate. When performed to correct complications or improve previous results, revision procedures are usually more complex and time-consuming than the original procedure.

Breast Augmentation Revision Procedure Washington DC

Our team is dedicated to ensuring your complete comfort during and after the procedure. The surgery may be performed under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The procedure can take from 30 minutes to 3 or more hours, depending on the correction required. You will go home shortly after your surgery is completed.

The surgeon makes small incisions on 1 or both breasts using the original incision placement whenever possible. The skin pocket around the implant is cut into, and the implant is carefully removed. If the implant is filled with saline, they may elect to deflate the implant to facilitate removal (the saline solution will be naturally absorbed by your body over time). If the implant is filled with a silicone gel, your surgeon will inspect the implant for any signs of damage or leaking before removal. They then make necessary corrections to one or both breasts. If you suffer from capsular contracture, the doctor removes all or part of the scar tissue that has formed around the implant.

Stitches are used to close the incision; the stitches generally extend around the areola or along the crease of the breast. After your surgery is completed, your breasts are bandaged with gauze, and a special surgical bra is placed over your breasts to hold them in the best position for healing.


What Should I Expect After My Revision Breast Surgery?

Everyone heals at different rates, and you are the best judge of when you are ready for certain activities, but the following are general guidelines:

Shower or bath 1 to 2 Days After Surgery
Back to work 2 to 7 days after surgery
Physical contact with breasts 3 to 4 weeks after surgery
Driving When You Are Pain-Free
Strenuous activity 3 to 4 weeks after surgery
Fading of scars Several months to 1 year after surgery

Recovery After Revision Breast Augmentation

In most cases, you will be ready to go home shortly after your surgery. You may be a bit sleepy after the anesthesia, so it is important to have someone drive you home.

During the first 24 to 48 hours after your procedure, you may feel tired from the anesthesia and sore from the surgery. Dr. Ruff and Dr. Arsalan will prescribe pain medication to alleviate most of the discomfort. Your discomfort level will improve rapidly after the first 2 days. Call the staff at West End Plastic Surgery if you have any questions or concerns in the days after your surgery.

You will notice a marked improvement in your discomfort level during the first few weeks after your surgery. Other things to be aware of:

  • The gauze dressings placed over your breasts will be removed a few days after your surgery. Once they are removed, you can take a shower or bath.
  • Your first post-operative visit usually takes place 2 to 3 days after surgery. Subsequent visits are scheduled every 1 to 2 weeks for the first 6 weeks and then every 1 to 2 months for the next 6 months.
  • Any bruising you experience will usually disappear in about 2 weeks.
  • You may experience some numbness in the area of the surgery. This numbness is caused by the swelling of your breasts after surgery and usually disappears within 6 weeks of surgery.
  • Most of the stitches used are dissolvable. If non-dissolvable stitches are used, they will be removed within 7 to 10 days after surgery.

You should sleep on your back for the first week after surgery to help with the healing process. You should wear the special surgical bra placed over your breasts after surgery at all times for the first few days. The softer support bra provided by West End Plastic Surgery should be worn at all times for the first 2 weeks after your surgery. The bra should be worn even while sleeping to help hold your breasts in the correct position. You may take the bra off to shower or bathe but it must be put back on immediately after drying off. If the bra is too tight, call the staff at West End Plastic Surgery immediately – bras that are too tight can cause skin problems.

Things to Be Aware of After Your Revision Surgery

It is imperative throughout the postoperative process that you follow the directions Dr. Ruff and Dr. Arsalan provides. Things to keep in mind during your recovery include:

  • The skin of your breasts may appear shiny due to swelling. Within a few weeks, the swelling will disappear and the skin will return to a normal appearance.
  • You may experience some numbness in the area of your surgery, but this generally goes away within 6 weeks of your surgery.

How Long Will the Results of Your Implant Revision Surgery Last?

Revision surgery provides long-lasting results; however, as your body ages, your breasts may sag or droop due to the natural effects of aging. It is possible to have your implants replaced in the future to maintain as youthful a figure as possible, but this is not a necessity.

Risks of Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery

As with all surgical procedures, there are risks associated with revision breast augmentation and breast implant removal. As with any surgery, you can help reduce these risks by closely following the instructions provided to you by the staff of West End Plastic Surgery. We will be with you every step of the way to ensure a safe and pleasing outcome. Possible side effects include:

  • Infection
  • Loss of nipple sensation
  • Breast sagging or loose skin
  • Scarring

Can I Combine Other Procedures With My Breast Revision?

If you are having your implants exchanged or removed, your surgeon may determine it’s safe to perform additional procedures during the same surgery such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. They will review your options with you in detail during your consultation.

Will My Insurance Pay For My Breast Revision Surgery?

In most cases, breast augmentation revision and breast implant removal are considered cosmetic procedures; therefore, these procedures are typically not covered by insurance. You are responsible for the full payment for your procedure. Cost and payment options will be discussed fully with you at your initial consultation. In a few cases where significant capsular contracture has caused breast distortion or severe pain, insurance may be provided.

How Long After My Breast Augmentation Do I Need To Wait To Have Revision Surgery?

We recommend waiting until you have fully healed from the surgery and your implants have settled, which takes about 6 to 9 months. If you are experiencing a complication such as bottoming out or capsular contracture, it may make sense to have surgery sooner. As board-certified plastic surgeons experienced in breast revision surgery, we will help you determine what can be accomplished with revision surgery and give you our opinion about the best timing and approach.

Alternative to Breast Implant Removal

If your breast implants have leaked or ruptured, there is no alternative for repairing them outside of removal and possible replacement. Unless other problems are occurring, there is no need to remove the implants. In some cases, revision without removal is possible for hardened implants.

"I chose Dr. Ruff to do my breast lift. He came highly recommended, and I personally know many of the great women who work in his office. I have seen their amazing results, and I was very impressed with his background, experience, and qualifications. Overall - I am so happy that I chose him as my surgeon!"

- Lucy Genova

Schedule a Consultation

If you’d like to improve your breast augmentation results or you’re interested in changing your implants, request a consultation online or call us at 202-785-4187. West End Plastic Surgery serves Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas.


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