At West End Plastic Surgery, VASERlipo™ is used during the chin and neck liposuction procedure to target these gentle areas of the face specifically. By contouring, toning, and removing unwanted fat from this area, liposuction will help patients achieve the following:
Achieve Facial Balance
People who have double chins or extra fullness around the chin or neck area can appear to have a lot of volume in the lower half of their face. By removing this unwanted fat and revealing a more prominent jawline, the lower half of the face will become more proportional to the top half of the face, achieving facial balance and a more even look.
Improve Your Jawline
Liposuction in the chin and neck area will result in a sharper, more noticeable jawline. Removing unwanted fat below the chin and neck area can enhance your jawline plus other facial features, such as your mouth and your smile. With this treatment, surgical scarring is often hardly noticeable, so there will be no lasting effect of visible changes to your facial features besides a new and improved jawline!
Boost Your Self-Confidence
For many people, having a slimmer face or simply achieving a balanced, more proportional look can have a huge impact on their self-confidence. When you achieve facial balancing, you can eliminate the need to pose on your “good side” for pictures and stop hiding your smile. By restoring balance to the face that may have gotten lost due to weight gain, weight loss, or age, liposuction can be a life-changing treatment.
Chin and Neck Liposuction at West End Plastic Surgery
If you’re ready to say goodbye to your double chin, sagging skin, or jowls, consider liposuction at West End Plastic Surgery. Call 202-785-4187 to find out if you are a candidate for this treatment, or click here to schedule a consultation at our office in Washington, D.C.