Is eyelid surgery right for me?

If you believe you look tired when you’re not or you can’t see as well as you used to because of sagging or droopy eyelids, then an eyelid lift may be right for you. If you’ve thought about talking to a surgeon about this cosmetic procedure, here are seven reasons why eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

  • You will look more rested and alert. Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery will correct puffy, drooping eyelids and puffy lower eyelids.
  • Eyelid surgery is done for cosmetic and functional reasons. Often, patients want to turn back time on their eyes, but some patients have trouble with impaired vision due to sagging eyelids. They can benefit greatly from eyelid surgery, removing the excess fat and skin from the upper eyelid, as well.
  • You won’t see scars. Eyelid surgery is designed so that incisions will be hidden once you’ve healed. Incisions on the upper eyelid are made in the natural crease of the eyelid, so that once the scar heals, you barely notice it, or not at all. Incisions on the lower eyelid are made just under or behind the lash line, so scars will be hidden as well.
  • It’s a low-risk procedure. All cosmetic surgery procedures come with some risk, but complications from eyelid surgery are rare and often minor.
  • It’s not a painful surgery or recovery. After this outpatient surgery, patients will go home shortly after surgery. Pain medication can help control any discomfort. Your eyes may feel sticky, itchy or burn, and your eyelids may feel dry and tight. There may be some bruising and swelling, but cold compresses can help minimize these conditions.
  • You can return to return to work in 7-10 days. You can start watching TV or reading just 2-3 days after surgery. Stitches will be removed in the first week after surgery, and you’ll be able to wear makeup after about a week.
  • It has one of the highest patient satisfaction rates. Eyelid surgery can eliminate the first signs of aging and make you look more youthful with long-lasting results.

If you are considering eyelid surgery to help restore a rested, youthful appearance, call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule a consultation.


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