How to Avoid Having Frankenstein-Like Scars After a Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Washington, D.C. Even though Frankenstein’s monster is one of the most famous monsters out there— especially during this time of year— he’s not exactly someone that anybody wants to resemble. If you are interested in getting a breast augmentation from West End Plastic Surgery but are concerned about potential scarring afterward, then we have a few tips for you. Although we will send you home with detailed instructions to use after surgery, this article will list some more.

Massage Around the Scar

During your follow-up appointment, we will teach you some massage techniques for you to use during recovery. The goal of massaging your breasts after surgery is to break up any scar tissue on the inside which can lead to a variety of issues later on including hard breasts and a more visible scar on the outside.

Apply Scar Cream

Another thing that we may encourage that you do is to apply a scar lightening cream like Mederma that contains vitamin E in it. Vitamin E is a natural way to help lighten scars that are starting to darken as they heal. Just remember that the key to getting results from using one of these creams is to be really consistent when using it.

Avoid Tanning

If you like to go to tanning beds or take your top off while you’re tanning outside, make sure that you cover up your scars because this will only make them darker. If you can, try to avoid tanning altogether because it’s bad for all parts of your skin.

Here at our office, our surgeons make it a priority to ensure that your scars are as small and hidden as possible following any type of surgery that we do. To really make sure that your scars don’t darken, though, follow the tips listed in this article.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about how you can lighten your scars, schedule a consultation at our Washington DC office today and give us a call at 202-785-4187.


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