How to Recover After a BBL

With celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Nikki Minaj making big booties something that everybody wants, you may be wondering how you will ever get a derriere that is quite as sexy. In addition to doing exercises for your buttocks like squats, we may also recommend a procedure called a Brazilian butt lift or a BBL.

During this procedure, we will remove fat from one part of your body and then inject it into your buttocks to give you a fuller look. One of the most important parts of getting a Brazilian butt lift is the recovery. To ensure that you get the best results possible, let’s go over a few recovery tips to follow.

Don’t Sit On It

Yes, it may sound impossible not to be able to sit directly on your buttocks while you are recovering, but it is feasible. Although we don’t recommend sitting at all, if you have to sit at a desk job, then you really don’t have a choice. Try carrying around a donut-shaped seat pillow with you if you do have to sit at work. These types of pillows are great at taking the pressure off of your buttocks so that nothing shifts or moves around.

Don’t Drive

For the first few weeks while you are recovering, we encourage you to not drive. Sitting in the driver’s seat may place a lot of pressure on your buttocks, which is the last thing that we want. Whether you have to ask friends for a ride or take an uber, try to lay down in the backseat of the car so that the pressure is more evenly distributed.

Watch How You Sleep

One of the trickiest parts of recovering from a BBL is figuring out how you can sleep at night. Typically, we will encourage patients to either sleep on their stomachs or their sides. Try getting a pregnancy pillow for the nights because they will support your buttocks and your back so that they don’t get too much pressure on them.

If you have any questions at all about the recovery process, contact our office. Ready to schedule your consultation? Contact our Washington DC office today and call us at 202-785-4187.


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