What Rhinoplasty can Do for You

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Washington, D.C. Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available. Rhinoplasty can be used to repair a nose injury, birth defect, or for strictly cosmetic purposes. Some patients require rhinoplasty to correct a deviated septum or treat breathing or other health issues.

The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be used to enhance your appearance or fix a health problem. More specifically, rhinoplasty can: remove a hump, repair an injury, enhance breathing, increase or decrease nose size, reshape the nostrils, resize the tip, or modify the bridge. During a rhinoplasty procedure, bone, skin, and/or cartilage may be altered to achieve the desired results.

The Procedure

A rhinoplasty procedure takes up to two hours to finish. It is typically an outpatient procedure during which IV sedation or general anesthesia is given. Two techniques are typically used: closed rhinoplasty or open rhinoplasty. During open rhinoplasty, a cut is made in the columella, or tissue between the nostrils. With closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made inside of the nostrils. In some cases additional cartilage is required to augment the nose, which is taken from the nasal septum. The specifics of your rhinoplasty procedure will vary depending on your individual needs and goals.

The Recovery Process

After a rhinoplasty surgery, the eye and nose area will most likely feel and look swollen and bruised. To ease pain after surgery, the following are recommended: take baths instead of showers, avoid high energy activities or pulling clothes over the head, avoid exaggerated facial expressions or blowing the nose, brush teeth gently, and limit dietary sodium.

The Risks

As with any surgery or treatment, the risk of complications is always present. Complications are rare, but it is important for patients to be aware of them. Complications include: permanent numbness around the nose, scarring, recurring nosebleeds, and difficulty breathing through the nose.

Arrange a Consultation

To find out how rhinoplasty can enhance your look, contact West End Plastic Surgery today. You can reach our Washington, D.C. office at 202-785-4187. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you decide if rhinoplasty is right for you.


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