How to Get the Most Out of Your Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift Washington, DC When it comes to the holidays, you may have a fear of gaining weight around your thighs or you may have a fear of never losing the fat around your thighs that you already have. To help you get rid of unwanted fat and excess skin on your thighs, we can use a surgical procedure called a thigh lift.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

It used to be that thin, slender thighs were only a thing that dreams were made of, but with a surgical thigh lift from West End Plastic Surgery, it is now something that can be your reality. By making an incision on the upper thighs (in a place that can usually be concealed by a swimsuit) we will then remove excess fat and trim away excess skin; giving you the thighs that you have always wanted.

What can A Thigh Lift do For Me?

A thigh lift can’t give you wings and a thigh lift can’t give you new legs, but a thigh lift can help you get rid of excess fat and skin around your thighs. If you have recently lost a lot of weight and have excess skin, then this surgery may be the perfect thing for you. Or, if you have excess fat around your thighs that you can’t seem to get rid of then, this procedure may also be ideal for you.

What Is Recovery Like?

Typically, we encourage patients to stay home from work or school for about 2 to 3 weeks following surgery. During your recovery, you will need to rest a lot so that you body can fully heal, but depending on how well your body recovers, it will dictate just how long it will take overall for you to get back to work, school, or just everyday activities.

Are you interested in learning more about thigh lift surgery? If so, contact our D.C. office today and give us a call at 202-785-4187.


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