3 Procedures that Don’t Take Much time

In this city, it can seem hard to get out and get a drink, let alone spend days recovering from surgery. Although nothing will give you the results quite like surgery will, we have a few different options that come pretty close and don’t require the lengthy recovery.


Botox hasn’t remained one of the most popular non-invasive treatments for nothing. Not only can we perform Botox in under 30 minutes on average, but it gives patients real results in about a week. By temporarily alleviating fine lines and wrinkles, Botox cannot only give you a more youthful look, but patients tend to use it as a preventative tool as well.


Nothing can seem quite as deflating to your self-esteem as feeling one way about your health and looking another. If you feel like you are at your prime, but you have loose excess skin, then welcome to the aging club. Unfortunately, no matter how healthy and fit we are, our skin starts to lose collagen and elastin in it, which leads to looser skin. ThermiRF uses radiofrequency energy to start a chain reaction of remodeling, which leads to tighter skin and a more toned appearance over. Plus, only one treatment is necessary.


Having hair on your underarms, bikini line, back, and legs is a no-no in today’s world. Although laser hair removal is safe and effective, it does require a bit more time. With regular waxes, patients tend to see that their hair isn’t as thick as it once was and that they don’t have to shave nearly as often (which is another time saver). Plus, waxes are fast and can be done on your lunch break.

You don’t’ have to find much time to do these three things. To learn more, contact our Washington DC office and call us at 202-785-4187.


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