5 tips to improve recovery after plastic surgery

With Surgical Lines on her Body Before Beauty Operation. 300x200 1 If you are planning on plastic surgery anytime in the near future, it’s a good idea to prepare now to be a good patient and have a successful surgery and recovery. Here are five top tips for recovering from plastic surgery to get you back on your feet in no time.

  1. Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. It may seem like you could skip a step here or there and everything will still be ok, but there is a reason why your surgical team gives you detailed instructions for preparing for surgery and post-surgical recovery at home. If you don’t understand how a step or instruction would be of benefit to you, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon or surgical team for explanation as to why it’s important.
  2. Line up care. If you are having a surgery that requires a lot of rest and no lifting for a certain period of time, you will need care for yourself. If you care for children or aging parents, then you may consider lining up a caregiver for them so that you can focus on your rest and recovery.
  3. Keep all follow-up appointments. Even if you feel like everything is going well and you may not need an appointment, it’s important to keep all appointments laid out by your surgical team. They may need to adjust medications, take a look at how the incision is healing and do any bloodwork.
  4. Speaking of how your incision looks, it will be crucially important for you to keep an eye on your incision as you are recovering at home. Wash your hands if you have to touch it to prevent infection. When it comes to caring for your incision, follow all instructions closely. If anything looks wrong with your incision, do not hesitate to ask your surgical team about it.
  5. Keep pain under control. Pain control is a critical key to successful recovery from plastic surgery. Some patients may avoid taking their pain medication because they worry about addition or think they don’t need it. If you are told you have to walk around but are in too much pain to walk, however, you risk complications such as blood clots. It’s easier to control the pain if you take the medication regularly.

If you are interested in learning more about plastic surgery and are interested in a consultation, please call (202) 750-5189 today.


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