FAQs About Ketamine

One of the treatments that we are excited to offer here at West End Plastic Surgery is Ketamine. Ketamine was initially created to start and end anesthesia because it puts patients in a trance-like state, but a lot of research has shown that it can also help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. To help you learn a little bit more about Ketamine, let’s take a closer look at a few of the basics.

How does it work?

Ketamine is done at our office with an IV infusion. This infusion will allow you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience while being monitored by our staff.

How long does it take?

Each session is anywhere from 40-60 minutes, and we typically recommend that patients undergo six treatments over two weeks.

Can it replace other psychiatric treatments?

No, we encourage all Ketamine patients to continue to work with their therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist while they are using Ketamine.

Is it addictive?

Although Ketamine can be addictive, when it’s administered in small doses in a controlled environment risk of addiction is really low.

What are the side effects?

After Ketamine, you may feel a little bit drowsy, and you should get a ride home. Also, patients should avoid driving for a full 24 hours. Our CRNA will go over the list of potential side effects during your first appointment.

How can I Get ketamine?

In order for you to get Ketamine, you will need to be referred to our office by your PCP, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or other Healthcare Provider to receive the treatment.

Living with depression and/or anxiety can feel debilitating. If you have been struggling finding relief, then we may be able to help. Is Ketamine something that you’re interested in learning a little bit more about? If so, talk to your mental health care professional today or contact our Washington D.C. office at 202-785-4187.


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