Because your nose is one of the most prominent features on your face, it’s one of the first things people like to change as part of their facial feminization surgeries. Whether it’s giving you a more delicate nasal tip, making your nose smaller, or decreasing a hump on your nose, we can help you achieve a more delicate nose.
Cheek Surgery
Prominent cheekbones can help you achieve a more feminine appearance. Cheek augmentation can be performed with either dermal fillers or cheek implants.
Forehead Reduction
This surgery is done to feminize your hairline and shorten your forehead to help you achieve a more feminine appearance. By making a small incision in the hairline, we can reduce your brow bone and soften your brow ridge.
Jaw surgery
Jaw surgery can consist of a variety of different procedures like a chin augmentation with an implant, fillers, fat transfers, a chin reduction, angle shaving for a smooth contour, or mandibular angle implants to give you a square jaw.
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is used to remove excess skin around the eye and on the eyelid to give you a more feminine and youthful appearance.
Additional Treatments
In conjunction with any of the surgeries listed above, we may also recommend fillers, Botox, or J-Plasma.
Here at West End Plastic Surgery, we work with a variety of medical experts and therapists to help give all of our gender affirmation patients the best service possible. If you want to learn more about these facial feminization surgeries, contact our Washington D.C. office and call 202-785-4187.