Breast Reduction Basics

Breast Reduction Surgery Washington, D.C. Every woman wants to have large breasts, right? Wrong. If you have overly large breasts that are causing chest or back pain, or other issues then they are definitely not worth compromising your health and comfort over. Luckily, here at West End Plastic Surgery, we offer patients a variety of different breast surgeries–including a breast reduction— to help you gain back your comfort and lifestyle. Are you unsure if a breast reduction is a surgery that’s right for you? Let’s take a closer look at some basics.

Who is a Good Candidate for This Surgery?

During your initial consultation with our staff at West End Plastic Surgery, we will be able to determine whether or not a breast reduction is suitable for you. Typically, however, suitable candidates for this procedure include patients who:

  • Have breasts that are out of proportion with their body
  • Feel self-conscious about their overly large breasts
  • Are unable to be as physically active because of large breasts
  • Have neck and back pain, difficulty breathing, changes in bone structure, or skin irritation or rashes.

What Does Surgery Consist Of?

Your surgery will be performed at one of our nearby state-of-the art hospitals under general anesthesia; this surgery takes an average of two to four hours. During this surgery, small incisions will be made around the nipple. Afterward, the surgeon will remove excess fat, breast tissue, and skin, contour a new breast shape, and reposition the nipple and areola. Stitches and a drain are then placed to close up the incisions and drain out any excess blood and fluids.

What Is Recovery Like?

Before we send you home from surgery, we will give you a detailed care packet listing all recovery details. On average, a full recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks— after which you can get back to strenuous activities like working out.

Does a breast reduction sound like something you’re interested in learning more about? Schedule a consultation at our Washington DC office today and call us at 202-785-4187.


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