- Women who seek revision surgery often want to change the implant size, style or fill material. Sometimes, they need to replace a ruptured or leaking implant. Some women may be disappointed in results from a previous surgery by another surgeon and want to have a revision. Other women may have experienced unexpected complications or want to have their implants removed entirely without replacing them. This latter reason is called explantation.Â
- Women who are in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of revision surgery are good candidates for this procedure. You will have a thorough consultation with the surgical team to discuss what to expect from surgery, both from a physical and psychological standpoint.Â
- Breast augmentation revision procedures are often more complex and time-consuming than a traditional breast augmentation, usually taking anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 or more hours. Scar tissue, thin breast skin, compromised chest muscles and reduced blood supply can make the surgery more complicated.Â
- Most patients are able to go home after a brief recovery on the day of surgery. It’s important to have someone drive you home after surgery since you’ll be groggy from sedation wearing off.Â
- While all cosmetic surgery procedures come with specific instructions for post-operative care, it’s important that you follow your surgical team’s instructions closely for optimal recovery. Things to look out for include keeping an eye on the skin of your breasts. The skin may appear shiny at first due to swelling, but this should return to normal after a few weeks. You may experience numbness in the surgical area, which should go away on its own within 6 weeks of surgery.Â
If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation revision surgery, call 202-785-4187 to schedule a comprehensive consultation.