Not All Mommy Makeovers Are the Same

Some women’s bodies bounce back after having a baby, no worse for wear. More often, though, the physical toll that occurs after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can transform the body so much that a woman may never again think of shopping for a bikini. A Mommy Makeover — which typically includes a tummy tuck and breast augmentation at our Washington, D.C. practice — can restore not only your body, but your confidence, too.

One of the benefits of mommy makeover surgery is that our surgeons customize a combination of procedures to address the specific concerns of each patient. That may even mean combining a surgical procedure with a nonsurgical treatment, such as ThermiVa®.

A mommy makeover can be a life-changing procedure for active women who exercise and are in good overall shape but are left with the excess abdominal skin, deflated breasts, or vaginal “looseness” that often occurs after having children. Vaginal rejuvenation — either surgical or nonsurgical — is becoming more popular and can be performed as part of a mommy makeover in some cases.

A surgical plan is created during the patient’s consultation, based on the conversation and physical exam that occur, and may include 2 or more of these procedures:

  • Breast Lift: Breastfeeding and gravity are a powerful combination that results in sagging breasts. For women who are happy with the size of their breasts, a lift alone can create the desired appearance.
  • Breast Lift With Implants: Breast enhancement surgery that’s part of a mommy makeover commonly combines breast augmentation and a lift to improve the breasts’ shape and size. This is especially true for breasts that appear deflated after a woman breastfeeds her children. Some patients hope to avoid getting a breast lift because it requires an incision on the breast, but implants alone can cause the breasts to sag even more.
  • Tummy Tuck: Also called an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes the excess, wrinkled skin that is one of the most common aesthetic complaints patients have after having children. No amount of exercise can tighten the skin. During tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon can also repair abdominal muscles that get stretched and separated during pregnancy.
  • Liposuction: Minimizing excess fat and creating even, contoured results usually require liposuction as part of the tummy tuck procedure.
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation: Various options, such as labia majora reshaping, clitoroplasty, or ThermiVa, can address the changes in the appearance and sensitivity of the vagina following childbirth.

Combining surgical procedures is common and can be safely and effectively performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Some patients decide to have separate operations to address their concerns, but a mommy makeover offers the advantage of paying certain costs only once and planning for just a single recovery. That can be especially important for moms with younger children.

Contact us or call the office at 202-785-4187 to schedule your appointment for a Mommy Makeover! Looking forward to hearing from you!


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