How much do you know about breast implants?

shutterstock 1034764408 Women who undergo breast augmentation surgery today have several options when it comes to the type, size and shape of breast implant. The choices can be overwhelming as the results are long-lasting. Read on to learn more about the different options for breast implants and the benefits and drawbacks of each type.

Saline implants

No matter which implant you choose, they will all have a silicone outer shell covering. Saline implants have a sterile saltwater solution. While these implants don’t feel as natural as the other options, there are many advantages to these implants. First, the incision is smaller as these implants are filled after the shell is placed. This gives the surgeon the ability to adjust the volume once in the breast pocket.

The second advantage to saline implants is that if the implant leaks or ruptures, you will know right away as it deflates rapidly. The saline solution will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.

Saline implants are FDA-approved for use in patients at least 18 years of age.

Silicone implants

The biggest benefit to silicone implants is the fact that they feel less firm than saline and most like natural breast tissue. Silicone implants are pre-filled, which means they require longer incisions than saline implants. The surgeon cannot adjust the volume of these implants.

Silicone implants are best for patients who are thin or have very little breast tissue. It’s also a good choice for those who want to minimize rippling.

One of the drawbacks to silicone implants are the fact that you may not know if they have ruptured as they may not deflate and will require an MRI or other imaging to detect the leak. This may require more visits with your plastic surgeon to ensure your implants are intact.

Silicone implants are FDA-approved for use in patients age 22 years or older.

Choosing an implant type is a highly personal decision, and your surgeon will help you determine which one is best for your aesthetic goals and needs. To schedule a consultation for breast augmentation, call (202) 750-5189.


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