The First Non-Surgical BBL: Everything You Need to Know

Fitness,Model,In,Leggings Many patients are shocked to learn that a BBL doesn’t always require surgery. Dermal filler can provide the enhancement you’ve been looking for in our Washington, D.C., office! A Sculptra® butt lift can help volumize and lift the buttocks without the need for fat grafting and liposuction.

A Fuller Posterior Thanks to Filler

Traditional Brazilian butt lift procedures are also known as buttocks augmentation or buttocks enhancement. They involve using fat taken from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs, purifying it, and transferring it to your posterior. Your surgeon injects the fat directly into the buttocks at specific points to enhance the lift, shape, and volume.

The results are incredible, but many patients want to avoid the need for liposuction or surgery. To meet their demands, experts have developed a method of using the dermal filler Sculptra to enhance the gluteal region.

The Benefits of a Non-Surgical BBL

Sculptra is typically used as a dermal filler to address age-related skin concerns. When it comes to buttocks enhancement, the filler offers long-lasting lift and volume to give you a perkier posterior without the risk of liposuction complications.

A Sculptra butt lift stimulates collagen through poly-L-lactic acid, a biodegradable compound, which boosts volume. The results are natural-looking and last two to five years, depending on your anatomy and body’s absorption rate.

A Great Alternative if You Don’t Qualify for a BBL

Some patients do not have enough body fat to qualify for a traditional Brazilian butt lift. In the past, their only other option was implants, which is still a surgical procedure. Sculptra opens the doorway for non-surgical enhancement that creates a more voluminous, shapely gluteal region without incisions.

It is important to note that a non-surgical BBL is not typically a one-time procedure. To achieve the best results, most patients require three treatments over the course of three months.

Discuss Non-Surgical BBL With Us

If you are ready to explore your treatment options, please contact us at West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C. Our staff of board-certified plastic surgeons, physician assistants, nursing professionals, and aestheticians are committed to helping you achieve your dream body.

Please request your consultation online or call the office at 202-785-4187.


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