Get a shapelier behind with a Brazilian butt lift

a woman in a bikini If you have flat or sagging skin in the buttocks and are bothered by the shape—or lack thereof—of your butt, then a Brazilian butt lift may be right for you. Here, we discuss some things you should know about this surgical procedure.

  • A Brazilian butt lift shapes the buttocks with your own fat to give a more voluminous contour to your backside.
  • Ideal patients have tried diet and exercise to improve the appearance of their butt but with no success. If you’re in good overall health with a positive outlook and realistic expectations, you are a good candidate for surgery.
  • This procedure is effective on flabby “orange peel skin” as well.
  • Many patients seek additional body contouring procedures to achieve their ideal look. This surgery is often performed in conjunction with VASERlip, thigh lifts or VASERsmooth cellulite reduction procedures.
  • This outpatient surgery is done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation depending on the extent of surgery. Surgery takes up to five hours.
  • The incision is made high on the lower area of the buttock but in a place that can be hidden by underwear and bikinis.
  • Liposuction will remove and purify fat from another area of the body, such as the thigh or abdomen, before it is inserted into buttocks.
  • During surgery, the fat is shaped to give you a natural-looking contour. In some cases, excess skin will be removed at this time.
  • Buttock implants may be recommended to further enhance your results.
  • After the incision is closed with stitches, dressings and tape are applied to the surgical area and covered by a compression garment to aid with healing and reducing swelling.
  • Most patients go back to work about 2-3 weeks after surgery. You should avoid strenuous exercise and other activities for about six weeks.

A Brazilian butt lift can dramatically improve the appearance of your buttocks and upper thighs. To learn more, call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule a consultation.


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