PHYSIQ vs. Emsculpt®: Know the Difference

shirtless man in a swimsuit with a towel on his shoulder entering sauna You probably know the struggle of getting a toned, physically-fit body. This might mean hitting the gym several times a week consistently over a long period. But what if you could get the body you want with a simple procedure that takes about 30 minutes? What if you could spend less time working out but still get the perfect body shape you desire?

Well, it’s possible thanks to non-invasive body contouring procedures – PHYSIQ and Emsculpt®.

What is PHYSIQ?

PHYSIQ is an FDA-approved body treatment that targets stubborn fat where exercise and diet might not help. The procedure uses four applicators that can target different body parts in a single session.

With PHYSIQ, the procedure can be customized to target specific body parts or a patient’s concerns.

PHYSIQ doesn’t just tone your muscles; it also eliminates stubborn fat from specific body parts. Exercise and diet might help you to lose weight, but getting rid of stubborn fat might be difficult. This is where PHYSIQ body contouring treatment can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

PHYSIQ only lasts about 30 minutes, but you’ll need several sessions to achieve your desired results. It’s painless and has no downtime, making it a suitable treatment even when you have a busy schedule.

How PHYSIQ Compares to Emsculpt®

PHYSIQ and Emsculpt® are similar because the treatment options increase muscle stimulation via forced contractions. Think of these contractions as similar to the tons of squats and crunches you do at the gym to get the results you want.

While PHYSIQ and Emsculpt® can help with improved definition, PHYSIQ is more effective as it targets stubborn fat. So, it serves more than one purpose to ensure you improve your body’s contours.

What’s more, PHYSIQ comes with four applications that can target different body parts, such as the arms, thighs, and but.

PHYSIQ vs. Emsculpt®: The Difference

Essentially, PHYSIQ is uniquely designed to treat fat and muscle within the same session. This makes it a more effective option to get your body in shape. Emsculpt® procedure only works on the muscles.

At West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., we can help you achieve your goals. Call 202-785-4187 or visit to schedule a PHYSIQ body contouring consultation.


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