Vaginal Rejuvenation in Washington DC

Today’s women are more self-conscious about the appearance of their genitalia than previous generations. The accepted cultural norm of shaving, waxing, and other grooming of a woman’s intimate parts has enhanced the popularity of vaginal rejuvenation at our Washington, D.C. practice. We offer surgical and non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures, including labia tightening and shaping.

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What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a term used to describe procedures that address the vaginal concerns some women may have. Vaginal rejuvenation may involve surgery or laser procedures that can restore or enhance the vaginal canal, labia, or clitoris. Whether women are looking to improve the appearance or functionality of their vaginal area, West End Plastic Surgery has options to choose from.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Vaginal Rejuvenation?

The best candidate for a cosmetic gynecology procedure is a woman with concerns about the size, shape and/or volume of her genitalia. Women of nearly every age, including teens, have found both emotional and physical satisfaction following a vaginal rejuvenation. You may be a good candidate for cosmetic gynecology if you:

  • Have had children
  • Experience vaginal dryness
  • Have reduced sensitivity or sensation during sexual intercourse
  • Experience pain during intercourse or other physical activities
  • Are unhappy with the appearance of labia or vulva
  • Suffer from urinary incontinence

If you meet any of the criteria above, you may be ideal for vaginal rejuvenation treatments. Be sure to ask your doctor which treatment is best for you based on your goals.

How Much Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Cost in Washington, DC?

The cost of Vaginal Rejuvenation starts at around $4,500. The price will vary depending on the extent of treatment necessary to deliver your desired results. During your consultation, our surgeons will assess your cosmetic goals and develop a treatment plan tailored to meet them. The starting price is provided for your convenience, and it is important to note that it does not encompass facility or anesthesia fees. The comprehensive cost, inclusive of all potential fees, will be confirmed during your visit.

We also offer financing options, including CareCredit® and Alphaeon®, to help you with the cost of your cosmetic surgery.

Surgical Treatment Options

Depending on your aesthetic goals, what you are expecting from your results, your body’s needs, and your medical history, the type of surgical procedure you may need for vaginal rejuvenation may differ from other patients. During your consultation, we can discuss your goals and determine which surgical option would benefit you most. Below is more information on our different surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation:

Vaginal Labiaplasty

Many women have experienced lifelong embarrassment due to their labia. They may be larger than normal, creating friction while wearing certain garments, such as workout gear, swimwear, tight jeans or even shorts. One labium may be larger than the other, creating embarrassment in intimate settings.

Removal of the extra tissue can generally be performed through a customized incision under local anesthesia or local anesthesia plus IV sedation. Dr. Paul Ruff takes great care to eliminate the extra bulk while preserving the natural appearance of the labia postoperatively. Most of his patients drive home afterward; an additional benefit of local anesthesia is the ability to keep this a private conversation between patient and surgeon, as the use of local anesthesia does not require someone to drive you home.

Renuvion Labiaplasty

Labia dissatisfaction can be a complex topic for some patients to bring up, but it is far more common than one might think. Many women experience physical discomfort during exercise or intimacy or experience displeasure with labial appearance as a result of having a vaginal birth, genetics, or age. Activities performed on a daily basis, like riding a bike, can cause irritation and discomfort that won't resolve without intervention. Through our experience, it is liberating for patients when they are finally able and willing to open up about their dissatisfaction and learn that they have options to aesthetically and functionally improve their labia.

A labiaplasty procedure addresses both the labia majora (outer labia) and the labia minora (inner labia), but how we approach each area is dependent on the specific asymmetries and level of laxity present for each patient. This is typically a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure but can be done in combination with other types of procedures, for example, a Mommy Makeover. When performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, the labia majora is treated utilizing Renuvion. Renuvion is a helium-based plasma radiofrequency device that targets the fibro septal network (FSN) allowing us to "shrink" or retract those tissues resulting in a more youthful appearance. Depending on the amount of laxity present, the labia minora can also be treated with Renuvion or by an excisional approach. The excisional approach consists of cutting away or removing areas of the labia, then reshaping and recontouring. Asymmetry of the labia is extremely common, which makes each procedure even more unique to the patient. Your left labia minora may need to be excised, but your right may only need to be treated with Renuvion; we'll create a surgical plan that best first your needs and your existing anatomy.

The goal is to have improvement, not only in appearance but in the function and structure of the entire labial region. There are a number of comfortable treatment options that leave people feeling much more comfortable with themselves.

The first step is to schedule a consultation appointment so we may discuss your concerns and create a personalized treatment plan.

Labia Majora Reshaping

With age, and often due to childbearing, the volume of a woman’s labia majora often decreases. For women who prefer a more full appearance of their labia majora, injections of Juvéderm or Sculptra can bring about a temporarily more attractive contour. For more permanent results, however, the injection of fat obtained through liposuction or VASER Liposelection offers a much more stable alternative. This procedure can be performed alone or with any other body sculpting procedure. However, fat must be obtained via liposuction so some anesthesia will be needed for that procedure.


Clitoroplasty is the removal and/or reshaping of the skin over the opening of the clitoris, called the clitoral hood. For some women, age or childbearing has caused the clitoral hood to become loose, which inhibits clitoral response during lovemaking. For other women, the clitoral hood has always been a bit too loose for maximal friction. Not to be confused with female circumcision, which is the removal of the clitoris, this procedure aims to allow proper exposure of the clitoris in order to achieve maximum stimulation. Note that for women in need of clitoroplasty due to aging, labiaplasty is also generally necessary. Contact West End Plastic Surgery if you are seeking Labiaplasty or Labia Augmentation in Washington, D.C.

labiaplasty labia augmentation vaginal rejuvenation west end plastic surgery washington dc

Mons Pubis Reduction

Aging and weight gain can cause the mons pubis to enlarge with time. Not only is this visible through tight clothing, such as workout wear or swimwear, if the mons extends over the labia it results in poor access for intimate relations. Simple removal of the extra skin and underlying fat easily restores a more youthful and aesthetically attractive area.


Also known as revirgination, hymenoplasty is frequently performed due to cultural pressure and expectations in anticipation of marriage. This is a very private and personal matter. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to allow for total privacy. During your consultation and examination Dr. Ruff will discuss with you your options and expectations.

Labia Augmentation

If you notice that your labia majora is lacking in volume, puffiness, or skin, one of the best ways to cure this issue is through labia augmentation or labial puffing. This procedure involves adding volume to the labia majora by using hyaluronic acid fillers or through a fat transfer. Similar to lip fillers, hyaluronic acid fillers are an easy, non-invasive process and are a great option for candidates who do not want to commit to surgery. With little to no recovery time, labia augmentation is safe and can help you achieve your aesthetic goals without the need for incisions, cuts, or anesthesia.

Meeting With Your Surgeon

Prior to scheduling your procedure, you will have an extensive consultation with Dr. Ruff, Dr. Patrick, or Dr. Hannan at their West End Plastic Surgery practice in Washington, D.C., a short drive from most areas of Maryland and Virginia. The goals of your consultation are to discuss your concerns, so that you and your surgeon can mutually agree upon which procedure(s) will create the results you desire. We will thoroughly explain each procedure along with its risks, benefits, and recovery times.

Your surgeon and the team at West End Plastic Surgery will:

  • Review the various options with you
  • Clearly discuss the potential risks of each procedure
  • Outline in detail how the procedure from beginning to end.
  • Provide detailed cost and payment information
  • Answer all your questions

You will provide:

  • Details about your medical history
  • A list of all medication you currently take, including over the counter medications such as aspirin, vitamins, and herbal supplements
  • Information regarding your tobacco and alcohol use

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Process

Your procedure will be performed in the accredited, state-of-the-art surgical suite located in Dr. Ruff’s Washington, D.C. plastic surgery office. With extremely rare exceptions, most cosmetic gynecological procedures are outpatient in nature and are performed under local anesthesia.

vaginal rejuvenation west end plastic surgery washington dc

If you’re a bit squeamish about these things, we are happy to provide sedation along with local anesthesia, though sedation requires that a friend or family member drive you home. Most procedures of this nature take approximately 1-2 hours to perform.

For procedures involving fat transfer, about 2-3 hours will be required, as it is a two-step procedure: first, liposuction is performed then the fat is processed and inserted into the areas desired. The type of anesthesia used and whether or not a hospital stay is required will be discussed with you at your initial consultation with Dr. Ruff at his Washington, D.C. plastic surgery office. Once your procedure is complete, your surgeon will place tiny sutures, most of which will be absorbable, and a dressing.

Your Recovery

Resuming Normal Activities After Gynecological Surgery

Everyone heals at different rates and you are the best judge of when you are ready for certain activities, but the following are general guidelines:

  • You can most likely return to your physical exercise program within two to four weeks of your procedure.
  • You may resume intimate activity within six to eight weeks of your procedure.
  • Most of the visible signs of your surgery should fade within about three weeks.
  • You can most likely return to work within a day or two of your surgery.
  • You can resume driving as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.

What To Expect Immediately After Vaginal Rejuvenation

In most cases, cosmetic gynecology surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and you go home shortly after the surgery. You may be sleepy if you have had sedation or general anesthesia and the surgical area will be sore, so you will need to have someone drive you home. There will be some bruising, swelling and numbness. Most patients do not require prescription pain medication but if you find that you need something, just call the office and we will make sure that you are comfortable.

What To Expect the First 1-2 Days After Vaginal Rejuvenation

You may experience some numbness and temporary discomfort around the incisions. Any pain or discomfort you experience can be controlled with Tylenol or prescription medication. You will also experience swelling and some bruising. Your comfort level will improve rapidly after the first two days.

Dr. Ruff will see you within 2-3 days at your first post-operative visit. There may be a small amount of bleeding around your incisions. This is normal and controlled by applying light pressure to the area. If the bleeding does not respond to light pressure or concerns you, please call West End Plastic Surgery for further instructions.

What To Expect the First Two Weeks After Your Cosmetic Gynecology Procedure

Although you will be up and around immediately, and might have driven home, you’ll find that, in the first few days after your procedure, you’ll have some soreness, bruising and swelling.

You will become more comfortable during the first few days after your procedure. You may also notice:

  • Mild to moderate swelling, tenderness, and bruising in the area of the incisions. This will gradually disappear within the first week after surgery, with most of the swelling and bruising disappearing within one to two weeks.
  • Numbness in the area of your incisions; this is normal and may take several weeks to disappear completely.
  • Itching as a result of the healing of the nerves near your incisions.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Risks and Side Effects

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk, however, major complications from cosmetic gynecology procedures are unusual. As with any surgery, you can help reduce the risks by closely following the pre- and post-surgery instructions provided to you. Rest assured, your surgeon will be with you every step of the way to ensure a safe and pleasing outcome.

Most likely risks include the following:

  • Infection
  • Asymmetry
  • Blood or fluid collect
  • Skin sloughing, delayed healing at the incisions points
  • Wide or thickened scars

How Long Will the Results of Your Cosmetic Gynecology Procedure Last?

The results from cosmetic gynecology procedures generally last between five to ten years, longer in some cases. It is important to keep in mind that the effects of aging, gravity, and future childbearing may affect your results over time.

What Are The Risks of Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation utilizes a number of procedures to improve the appearance and function of the vaginal area. But similar to other medical procedures, there are risks you need to be aware of first.

Below are the risks of vaginal rejuvenation:

  • Increased risk of a vaginal infection
  • A chance of scarring, which can cause pain and discomfort
  • Decreased sensation in the vaginal area
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Complications with the anesthesia
  • Thermal damage
  • Overcorrection
  • Undercorrection
  • Prolapse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Lengthy downtime

Before you can get vaginal rejuvenation, it is best to consult with a qualified gynecologist. Their expertise can help you choose the right treatment.

Who Should Not Get Vaginal Rejuvenation?

There are a select few patients who should not receive vaginal rejuvenation. This is because they are more at risk of experiencing complications.

You may not be an eligible candidate for vaginal rejuvenation if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are currently pregnant
  • You have gynecological condition, such as an untreated STI
  • You have a specific medical condition, such as diabetes and heart disease
  • You have an allergy to the anesthesia
  • You have a history of scarring
  • You are prone to keloids
  • You are seeking out a treatment for pelvic organ prolapse
  • You have unrealistic expectations regarding treatment

During your consultation with one of our licensed gynecologists, it is important that you tell them everything relating to your medical history. You also need to be upfront about the reasons why you want a specific procedure done.

When Can I Resume Sexual Activities?

Upon receiving a vaginal rejuvenation procedure, you will need to wait at least six weeks before you can resume sexual activities. You need to give your vagina time to heal before having penetrative intercourse. This is to ensure you have a good vaginal function.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in improving the appearance and functionality of your most delicate parts? If you’re considering getting vaginal rejuvenation such as Labiaplasty or Labia Augmentation, request a consultation online to meet with Dr. Ruff, or call our office at  202-785-4187 to speak with a staff member at West End Plastic Surgery and schedule a consultation.


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